We’re proud to announce a $10,000 grant from Columbia Credit Union toward Technology
Improvements. Part of this grant, $3,500, will complete the $107,300 needed for Innovative to purchase/implement a new software for Accounting, HR and Fixed Asset system, along with the required hardware upgrades to accommodate the new software. The new software will provide our management team with accurate, detailed, timely information to help increase Innovative’s effectiveness and sustainability. The remainder of the funds will be used toward the project to update Innovative’s billing and scheduling software, primarily used by the Pediatric Therapy Program. We’ve been serving Clark County since 1963. With our growth over the last several years, the organization has grown beyond the capabilities of our current outdated systems. These technology upgrades will allow Innovative’s programs to better serve even more children, adults, and families in need in our community.
Thank you to Columbia Credit Union!